Благодійна організація "Благодійний Фонд"Споріднені Серця"

About us

Благодійний Фонд має чотири напрямки діяльності: 1. Здоров'я 2. Підтримка культури і мистецтва 3. Допомога ЗСУ 4. Допомога дітям

Topics for which I provide services

Service topics will appear after adding and verifying services

The sphere of organizational development of ISAR Ednannia

Areas of activity for organizational development appear after adding and verifying services


There are no added services to the platform.


There are no active tenders

Catalog of organizational development resources

There is no catalog of organizational development


There are no publications

Country, City

Dnipro, Dnipro Raion, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine



Contact person of the organization

Мирослава Тиндик
+380 68 453 0721
Links to the site and social networks
There are no photos