Terms and conditions

What was the HOME created for?

The portal "Civil Society HOME" was created by ISAR Ednannia as a platform for the development and support of civil society organizations. It is a digital ecosystem that includes tools to support the civil sector by means of a grant for capacity development, searching for service providers, training and an archive of all research and analytical materials about Ukrainian civil society, as well as content for inspiration and exchange of experiences.

Upon completion of the verification process, providers (capacity development services providers) and civil society organizations (CSOs) can use the HOME to promote both their brand and separate services, search for executors of certain orders, conduct tenders, etc. In addition, the HOME provides opportunities:

- to integrate news, data and research that CSOs and other interested parties may consider necessary and useful during the planning and implementation of their activities;

- to provide educational and awareness-raising activities (for example, webinars, presentations, expert interviews);

- to contribute to the improvement of the image of civil society both at the national and international levels; to promote the international advocacy activities of Ukrainian CSOs;

- to be a reliable intermediary in providing services for capacity building and organizational development of the non-governmental sector.

Who does the HOME work for?

The HOME offers information, opportunities and services that may be useful to:

  • CSOs at the regional, national and international levels seeking information necessary to make decisions about their organizational development, strategy, operations and planning;
  • non-governmental organizations, embassies, international donors, international organizations, including those that plan to start their activities in Ukraine and are looking for data and research to develop their activities;
  • think tanks and persons who research Ukrainian civil society or the spheres in which it operates;
  • government decision-makers and policy-makers at the local and national levels seeking civil society data needed to develop and implement strategies to engage with civil society;
  • Ukrainian and foreign media;
  • service providers: trainers, consultants;
  • representatives of the interested public seeking data on civil society, including the international public;
  • donors / projects of international technical assistance;
  • higher educational institutions;
  • individual experts.

Everyone who agrees with the content set forth in these "Terms and Conditions" becomes a user of the HOME portal. Depending on the pursued goals, users can choose certain roles for themselves.

  • Guest is a user who has not logged in. May only view the content of certain sections.
  • Individual user is a person who has registered (created) his profile. May send data, news, register events in portal’s "Calendar".
  • Member of the organization is a user who is registered as an individual and has joined the Organization. May submit data, articles, events, news on behalf of the Organization.
  • Organization administrator is a user registered as an individual and created an organization/registered as an organization. In addition to functions of a member of an organization can create an Organization profile.
  • Organization capacity development Marketplace member is an organization to which the user has joined and has a profile on the Marketplace. May view the profile of the organization on Marketplace, view information related to the tender.
  • Marketplace organization administrator is a user-registered organization on the Marketplace. May post and manage jobs, own tenders, manage organization’s profile, manage members and admins.
  • Individual supplier is a user registered as an individual supplier. May send data, articles, events, news, manage provider profile and services, participate in tenders.
  • Supplier member is a user registered as an individual supplier who has joined the supplier's organization. May send data, articles, events, news on behalf of the Organization, can view supplier profile, view messages, tender related information, notifications (new review, new tender request, etc.).
  • Supplier administrator is a user registered as a supplier organization. May send data, articles, events, news, manage provider profile and services, exchange messages, participate in tenders, publish vacancies.

In case the same organization is a supplier and a regular organization at the same time, or the business provider is also an individual supplier, it is possible to add different profiles to one user account: organization account, individual supplier account, business provider account or receive invitations to other organizations as a member.

What does the HOME publish?

The HOME portal is counting on the active participation of representatives of civil society in the meaningful content-making of all sections of the portal. We hope for co-authorship in the preparation of news, articles, success stories, filling the calendar of events, illustrating events with appropriate photos and videos, filling the "Analytics" section with research results, etc.

The HOME expects that all interested persons and institutions will provide and publish only truthful information about themselves on the portal. Any content that users propose for publication at the HOME portal is pre-moderated (the editor of the portal reviews the content and verifies the information provided before publishing it).

It is prohibited to include the following in materials applying for publication at the portal:

- calls for violent change or overthrow of the constitutional system or for the seizure of state power;

- calls to change the administrative boundaries or the state border of Ukraine, violation of the order established by the Constitution of Ukraine;

- calls for pogroms, arson, destruction of property, seizure of buildings or structures, forcible eviction of citizens; calls for aggression or for the unleashing of a military conflict;

– mentioning and promoting the activities of terrorist organizations, in particular, those included in the USAID lists;

– direct and indirect insults of anyone, in particular, politicians, officials, journalists, users of the portal; discrimination based on national, ethnic, racial, gender or religious affiliation, as well as chauvinistic statements;

- obscene statements and any offensive behavior towards the authors of the articles and all members of the HOME portal;

- direct advertising of commercial brands (except for cases when the activity of brands is related to public activities - information about this may become part of a report, research or success story of a certain project), commercial messages, as well as messages that do not have an information load and do not relate to the topic of the portal;

- any messages and other actions prohibited by the legislation of Ukraine.

What to expect from the HOME portal?

ISAR Ednannia undertakes to try to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the HOME portal, but is not responsible for the complete or partial loss of content, as well as for the insufficient quality or speed of viewing such content due to technical problems / possibilities.

ISAR Ednannia is not responsible for the non-compliance of the content of the information posted on the HOME portal with the user's goals. Also, we are not responsible for the privacy policy or the content of sites linked to materials posted on the HOME portal.

ISAR Ednannia reserves the right to add, change, delete, supplement the materials and structure of the Home portal.

Subject to the permission of the users, the administrators of the Home portal can:

- use email addresses of registered users to send messages;

- move user content to another section if, in their opinion, the information relates to the relevant topic;

- delete user content if it contradicts the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine and the editorial policy of the HOME portal;

- use objects of intellectual property rights provided by the user, including (but not limited to) texts, photos, videos, graphics, etc.

For all questions related to the work of the HOME portal and posting of information on it, contact us at the e-mail address home@ednannia.ua.