Окружна Тетяна

About me

тренер, фасилітатор, коуч, сертифікований андрагог (спеціаліст з освіти дорослих). Автор тренінгових курсів: "Тренінг для тренерів", "Внутрішні опори", "Основи проєктного менеджменту" тощо.

Topics for which I provide services
Team work
Project management
Strategic planning
Time management
Definition of needs
Education and training
Development of communities
The sphere of organizational development of ISAR Ednannia
Mission and strategic planning
Capacity to adapt
Services provided by the organisation and project management


There are no added services to the platform.


There are no active tenders

Catalog of organizational development resources

There is no catalog of organizational development


There are no publications

Country, City

Kyiv, Ukraine

My resume

резюме - Окружна Тетяна.docx

There are no photos