The PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "Kyiv School of Public Administration named after Serhiy Nyzhnyy" was founded 2 years ago with the aim of forming a new national élite on the principles of expertise, patriotism, public engagement by promoting free and comprehensive development of the individuals, creating a critical number of professional statesmen, and forming a community of changemakers as the human resources of the nation. Our goal is to ensure the Ukrainian revival and development of effective state institutions. Our mission is to form a new national élite based on the principles of expertise, patriotism, and public engagement by promoting free and comprehensive personal development. Our vision is to create an ecosystem of community leadership and responsible partnership via a modern educational platform for the reconstruction of Ukraine. Providing training in European-level educational programs for changemakers, statesmen, active citizens who are not indifferent to the future of Ukraine and the world. Promoting academic diplomacy for the recovery, sustainability and resilience of Ukraine's decentralization.Our objectives: • Turning the KSPA into an educational core - a center for education, assistance, and coordination of proactive people from all over the country. • Forming a pool of leaders who are able to take responsibility for the restoration of Ukraine by means of education. • Uniting leaders who will become generators of power and knowledge in rebuilding the country. • Supplementing and expanding the mechanisms of the state governance system at all levels in wartime and post-war.
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