Про нас

The Ecosense NGO was founded in 2016 in the industrial city of Zaporizhzhia in the south-east of Ukraine. Our areas of interest are environmental education, clean air, clean water and climate change adaptation. In 2023, Ecosense became the initiator of the green post-war recovery of the Zaporizhia region: • we created an information resource on the topic of green restoration of the region https://vidnova.info. • we have assembled a coalition of public organizations, universities, experts for the Green Recovery of the Zaporizhia Region • we are working in the official working group on a plan for the post-war recovery of the city, in which we are introducing environmental and climate goals • after the destruction of the Kakhovskaya Dam, we study the consequences of this ecocide for ecosystems and the lives of people in the region • we conduct training on natural solutions for urban adaptation to climate change • events to increase psychological stability and social cohesion These projects are being implemented with the financial support of the UK government and Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany. Our immediate goals are to help our region become more resilient to war, more cohesive, and lead to the sustainable development of our country.

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Сфера організаційного розвитку ІСАР Єднання

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Відсутні активні тендери

Каталог ресурсів розвитку організації

Відсутній каталог організаційного розвитку


Публікації відсутні

Країна, Місто

Запоріжжя, Запорізький район, Запорізька область, Україна



Членство в асоціаціях

Ucrainian Climate Network

Контактна особа організації

Tetiana Zhavzharova
+380 99 756 1895
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